Is Expansion On The Cards For Your Developing Business?


Starting your business can be the most exciting adventure of your life – the anticipation of what is to come, the ideas you have flowing in your mind, and your commitment to make it happen. However, once you get on a good rhythm and your business is doing well, you will be faced with the question of what is next. Often, small businesses in this situation begin to explore the possibility of expansion, but deciding on where to go and mapping out how to get there can be the biggest obstacle you will ever have to overcome. If you find yourself either currently in this position, or anticipate being there someday, take a look at the key things you should focus on to break through this roadblock.

How do you want to expand?

One of the first things you should consider is how you want to expand. Believe it or not, expanding your business can take many forms, and there are pros and cons to each. You could start with adding to the products and services you provide. Perhaps there are complementary services clients often ask you about but you don’t currently provide. Strategically hire someone who can fill this void or gain the experience to do it yourself.

Alternately, you can look at expanding into different niches where you can establish expertise and open up a whole new stream of potential clients. Or maybe expansion simply means taking the first step of moving from working at home to moving into a separate commercial space. Having a dedicated place where customers can meet you, and you can potentially add employees will making future expansion easier. First coming up with a plan for the way you want to expand will help you make the right  choices to move forward.

Do you have the funds to fulfill your plans?

The next thing to think about is whether or not you have the right amount of funds to make your expansion possible right now. You could use funds and profits from the business and reinvest them. Or perhaps look at to help you make a large capital investment in your business faster. It might even be the right time to look at adding an investor to help take your business to the next level. These are just a few of the many options you have to increase your business’s funds for growth.

Taking that leap of faith and having the confidence

Sometimes expansion means that you need to take a leap of faith to make it happen and this can often be the biggest struggle, believe it or not. As a business owner, you take on major risks just about every day and it may have taken all of your courage just to start up in the first place. But you need some of that confidence to also help you move your business forward, otherwise you run the risk of staying in the slow lane. Websites like have some great tips and advice!

What is the future goal?

Finally, what is the ultimate goal you have for your business? Do you know where you want to be in twelve months? Five years?  Ten years? Knowing your specific vision for how you want your business to function will help you take the right steps to expand your business in a direction that is pointed toward meeting your goals.

Are you a small business owner who hopes to expand your business either now or someday in the future? Have you started planning for your expansion? Share some of your thoughts and ideas by leaving a comment below!
