Most Read Blog Posts of 2020


Before we sign off on this year and look to a brighter and hopefully less dramatic new year, let’s take a look back and revisit the most popular blog posts shared in 2020 on the Bennis Inc blog. Despite the trying times, many good things came out of this year, including new experiences that have provided insight, inspiration, and wisdom. Take a look at the top 10 blog posts sure to deliver a pearl or two of wisdom.

#10 Collaborating with other Consultants: How to Grow Your Business by Working Together

Other consultants aren’t just competition, they are fellow professionals who may present an opportunity for collaboration. Their skills can complement your own and increase your bandwidth to take on larger projects.

Read the original blog post here.

#9 The (Often) Thankless Job of Technology

A personal experience in June gave me first-hand insight into just how thankless the job of technology can be. When it works as it should, we don’t think about it. And when it breaks, we lose our minds.

Read the original blog post here.

#8 Virtual Communication Strategies to Overcome Various COVID Business Challenges

A very important topic given all that has taken place this year. I’ve been working virtually since 2011, so I was able to apply the tips and tricks I’ve gained over the year to a blog post dedicated to helping those who were used to a traditional office setting to adjust to the virtual work environment.

Read the original blog post here.

#7 A Pivotal Day for Female Entrepreneurs

You likely picked up on the trend that many of my most popular blog posts are written on topics related to my entrepreneurial journey. This one starts at the beginning and shares the challenges and rewards of being a female entrepreneur and mother.

Read the original blog post here.

#6 Effectively Working with the Government – My Rule Book

This year included much more government work than before and I had to learn the rules of the sandbox pretty quickly. As you’ll see it tends to be different and require some additional effort than work in the private sector. Learn from my tips!

Read the original blog post here.

#5 Ground Rules for Working from Home with a Spouse

Simply working from home is one challenge, but working from home in a shared office with a spouse who is equally as busy is taking things to a whole new level. Read the ground rules we quickly had to put into place.

Read the original blog post here.

#4 Female Entrepreneurs Take Motherhood to a Whole New Level

In one word, many people would describe me as “intense” and I attribute much of this to the combination of being a female entrepreneur and a mother to young children. This requires much intensity and it shows!

Read the original blog post here.

#3 Entrepreneurship from a Child’s Eyes

This blog post shares a sweet story of my son, also named after my maiden name Bennis. When asked at his preschool what makes him unique, he gave an innocent and insightful answer that opened my eyes to some new things.

Read the original blog post here.

#2 What My Family Thinks I Do for a Living – Part II

And now for a fun one! In this blog, I interviewed my 7-year son about what he thinks I do for a living and how I spend my workdays. He picked up on far more than I could have anticipated.

Read the original blog post here.

#1 What My Family Thinks I Do for a Living – Part I

And finally, for the most popular blog post from 2020 it was the one where I interviewed my husband about what he thinks I do for a living. Mind you, he works beside me nearly every day. But even with that window into my life, there are a few things he didn’t know. Read to find out what those are.

Read the original blog post here.

What was your favorite topic from this list? Or was there one you loved that didn’t make the cut? I’d love to hear from some of my readers in the comments below. Better yet, share a topic you hope I’ll cover in 2021!
