Three Important Social Media Writing Tips You Need to Know (Guest Contribution from Gemma Reeves)


The following post comes to us from Gemma Reeves, a seasoned writer and aspiring entrepreneur who enjoys creating helpful articles and interesting stories. Learn more about how to connect with Gemma in her author bio below.


In a short span of time, social media has made huge waves in the field of marketing. Facebook, Instagram, Twitter, and other social media websites have become “the next big thing”, and businesses, from upstarts to the biggest corporations in the world, have taken a dip into its pool. However, there are still people who are quite unconvinced with the power of social media, and to them, it is just a passing marketing platform fad. In fact, there have been several hearsay that social media is dying.

Rumors that social media is just a passing trend in business marketing are very much proven to be baseless and untrue, and the following data gathered by LinkedIn and Social Media Examiner reinforces this. In fact, 94% of small to medium sized businesses, with $1 million to $50 million revenues in 2013, use social media for marketing purposes. Three out of 5 of these SMBs report that the use of social media for marketing has gained them new customers. From 86% in 2013, 92% of marketers agree that social media is an important tool for their businesses. 92% of these marketers’ report that social media has indeed added exposure for their business. Almost half those marketers who spend a minimum of six hours in a week on social media efforts report a decrease in their marketing expenses.

It is undeniable that social media has taken a chunk of importance in the tools used for online marketing strategies. Although SEO remains as important as it had been until now, social media marketing has become mainstream and growing more and more popular as time goes on. But being “just present” on Facebook or Instagram does not increase traffic and generate leads. Your social media account should have effective content to do this. Here are three important writing tips on how you can achieve that.


Before you post anything from your social media account, know who your audience is. Every small detail you can gather is important. Little things like knowing what food they love to share in their posts, the shoes they prefer to use on Friday night outs, what smartphone brand they prefer to use, or what they will do if they won $1 million dollars in the lottery.

Knowing to whom you are writing to will help you get better chance at being able to engage with them. This is one most important reason for research. What you post need to catch their attention. And to do this, you need to find out their lifestyle and interests.

Establish your voice

In social media, who you are is your voice. At the very beginning, you need to establish the identity of your business. You can’t be outgoing on one day and them be the exact opposite the next. Once you establish the uniqueness or what your brand is about, you then find out how to offer these to your audience.

Your voice determines the tone of your writing in social media. Is your business youthful? Fun? What makes it unique? Because your uniqueness will help your voice stand out. And remember to always keep your writing consistent to your business’ social media identity.

Write simply and concisely

Experts in the writing industry are aware that it is never advisable to write lengthy posts on social media. In order to keep your content interesting and to hold the attention of your audience, you have to make it concise – get to the point quickly to better get your message across. People these days prefer shorter and concise content that does not take much of their time reading.  You can research the ideal length of content of different social media platforms like Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, and YouTube.

When writing content for social media marketing, create a workspace where you and your team can huddle together and collaborate ideas. Review and proofread your content before finally posting it. Remember to keep your posts light and away from topics that create serious debates and negative reviews.

Does your business have a strategy for its social media content? The most important takeaway is to be intentional with what you’re sharing or how you’re sharing it. 

photo-gemma-reevesAbout the Author: Gemma Reeves is a seasoned writer who enjoys creating helpful articles and interesting stories. She has worked with several clients across different industries such as advertising, online marketing, technology, healthcare, family matters, and more. She is also an aspiring entrepreneur who is engaged in assisting other aspiring entrepreneurs in finding the best office space for their business. Check out her company here:
