As a manager for a new business, you may find it harder than expected to build trusting and open communications with staff. You might find that some of your employees distrust or rally against the people in charge. In part, this comes down to human nature. It can also come about as a result of negative experiences in the past. Either way, it can building morale and company culture feel near impossible.
The fact is that staff will be far more efficient when they feel they are working for an employer they can trust and talk to. By comparison, closed doors and a lack of respect could lead to sub-standard work. Still, finding success here isn’t easy. Despite your best efforts, you may not know how to construct good communications. The good news is, this is a lot like any other construction task you set your sights on. Read on to find out how building yourself up here isn’t all that different from adding an extension onto your house.
The resources
Before getting started, it’s crucial to have the right resources to hand. In the building world, that means things like bricks and mortar. With working relationships, it means providing your team with the right resources to get the job done. In a fundamental sense, that could mean putting an HR team in place. That way, your staff will see that you have their best interests in mind. You may even want to provide worker handbooks which state things like employment bureau numbers, and outline how a lawyer can help in the case of workplace injury. While you can only hope staff don’t need to use all of these resources, providing them proves you have nothing to hide. Again, this shows you have staff’s best interests at heart.
The foundations
Any building project must start with a solid foundation. Without this, your efforts will crumble before you get to the top finishes. By laying a foundation, you ensure that you’re building on stable ground. And, that can ensure your efforts here last in the long-term. Of course, a concrete base doesn’t help with communications. Instead, this involves getting to know every member of your team. Don’t just employ them and send them out into the world. Take time to talk with them – daily is possible. Go for lunch together and chat on a general sense. That way, you’ll start developing a relationship. And, guess what? Trust and relationships come hand in hand.
The structural work
Even once you think the building work is finished, you need to keep coming back to check on any structural work. Otherwise, even the best building will fall into disrepair. As will your communications. An initial relationship will soon fizzle if you don’t nurture it. As such, you need to keep in contact with every member of your team. This means asking them how they are and meaning it. It means keeping up with what’s happening in their lives and doing what you can to help. This is when real bonds will form, and your workers will begin to love working for you. From there, trust will be your employment oyster.
How do you work to build a trusting company culture? What steps do you take to invest in your employees’ morale? Share your ideas or questions by leaving a comment below!