Winning Clients Over: The Best Client Presentation Tips


It’s eight in the morning, and you’ve already had three cups of coffee. You want to be upbeat about your presentation to an important client, but the coffee might be making you more nervous. Or is that simply your nerves? Why are you afraid to present? If anything, your clients don’t know a thing about what you’re going to present. That’s why you’re giving this presentation. You will provide them the information they have to know. You are the expert here, so the ball is in your court. Yes, the pressure is always there to close the deal but if you are confident with what you know, there’s really nothing to fear.


Remember not to use words that will make the presentation confusing. The keyword in client presentation is communication. You have to communicate an idea to your clients. If you are going to use jargon, it will not be possible to see eye-to-eye. Keep things simple, so you have a better chance of connecting with your clients.

Use Examples

Some ideas are hard to explain, no matter how good you are at them. Some clients need to see specific examples to understand a concept that you are trying to communicate to them. What examples are these? You can use photos and videos, though the most effective is to outsource 3-D modeling for the product that you are presenting. This will allow the clients to understand the presentation better. You will be on the same page.

Speak Their Language

Are they casual or formal? Know what kind of company you are presenting to. That’s going to make it easier for you to understand how you’re supposed to speak to them. Know their language. If they are a casual company, use friendlier language. If they are more formal, then be stricter with how you present.

Know What Matters to Them

What does the company want? Do they want more profits? Do they want to build awareness? You need to speak of the same goals if you’re going to win them over. Even though you are an expert in the subject matter, you cannot convince your clients if you don’t give them what they want to hear. Give them reasons to focus on your presentation and choose your company. Make sure that you are honed in on what they want to achieve.

Be Quick

Don’t make your presentation dragging unless they still have questions. Make it as short but concise as possible. You don’t want the clients checking their watches every now and then. That will be distracting for you, too. Once they begin doing that, there is no turning back. You’ve already lost their attention. Don’t drag the presentation for too long that the clients start thinking about other things. Once you’ve captured their attention, that’s the best time to say everything they have to know.

Confirm That They Understand

Are you not sure if your clients understand what you presented? You need to confirm that you are on the same page. Asking some questions toward the end of the presentation will give you an idea if you are on the same page. You also have to encourage them to clarify things that they may have apprehensions about.


Some clients may toe the line between being rude and respectful. Don’t go down to their level. Rather, if they’ve become too rude, ask them to calm down and come back when they are ready to talk. You should always be respectful despite the circumstances that you find yourself in. Remember that you are there to wow and persuade these clients. If you feel that you are being disrespected, however, feel free to stand your ground.

Be Excited

Show your enthusiasm about the project to your clients. This will rub off on them, and they will be more open to the ideas and concepts you are presenting. They have to feel that you are with them in this journey to reach their company’s goals. You have to make them see that not only are you the best person they can partner with, but you also believe in their vision, and you can help them get there. Your enthusiasm will be welcome.

Yes, doing client presentations can be nerve-wracking, but it doesn’t have to be if you are confident of your presentation. Confidence is the key when trying to persuade clients to sign with your company. But above that, you have to know how to communicate with your clients and speak the language that they are comfortable in.
