The 4 Key Challenges of Being a Solopreneur


There may not seem to be many differences between being a solopreneur and an entrepreneur, but they are there. Understanding these differences will help you prepare when you launch your business all by yourself. But, while you have all the control that an entrepreneur might not possess, there are unique challenges that you will face, so it’s vital to know what they are so you can be prepared to overcome them. 

Relying On Clients 

Big money clients are an attractive and dependable way to maintain your company and push it towards the growth you need. However, this can also lead to high customer concentration, where one single client is responsible for more than 20% of your earnings. 

High concentration means that your business will be thrown into a lurch should this client decide your services are no longer required and they look elsewhere. You can never truly prepare for this, either, so you must ensure that you continue to offer exceptional service and keep your clients happy. 

Building and Managing Your Reputation

You are your business, so you are solely responsible for building and managing your reputation. You are the only representation of your company, which puts all of the pressure on you to ensure satisfied customers and compliance. 

You can also interact with customers who rate your business on social media, aggregators, or search engines. There could be unfair reviews that you encounter, so knowing how to remove Yelp reviews, and whether you’re allowed to do so can contribute to maintaining your reputation. 

Avoiding Burnout  

From marketing to product design to meetings, and planning your future, solopreneurship is full of stress and anxiety. As you’re expected to do everything yourself, you may feel you don’t have any time to stop and breathe, and this is the perfect recipe for burnout. 

As important as your business is to you, it should not come at the expense of your health. Being unwell means you can’t give the business your all, so you’re best off knowing how to avoid burnout by managing stress and anxiety so you can guarantee you are capable of handling all the responsibilities that come with running a successful business by yourself. 

Balancing Your Finances 

You need to invest in your company to help it grow, but it can be difficult to know where the best place to put your earnings and profits is. No matter your industry, you can expect – and even anticipate – changes that will influence your decision, but there is the risk that you take a step in the wrong direction. 

Without some financial nous, you will struggle to balance your finances properly, which could put your company in danger. You should know how much to save from each project, and also how much you can afford to put towards the next, while still giving yourself a good, but not overly generous salary.


While these challenges can be intimidating for solo business owners, having confidence and the right approach will significantly mitigate them. This will allow you to manage your business and focus on your future. 
