Cyber Security For Small Businesses


When it comes to cyber security, you can never be too careful both personally and professionally. Small businesses are just as likely, if not more so, to come under attack from hackers or would-be cybercriminals. 

So what can you do to secure your small business and what should you be looking out for?

Back up

Not only should you have regular backups but you should have two kinds. You should have a copy of anything important saved on an HDD and a copy saved in the cloud. This prevents loss of information and work. Two backups are better than one. 


For every account that you use you should set up authentication using an app, or the companies in built two-factor authentication. This adds an extra layer of protection on top of just your password. 

The software hackers use to crack passwords can test hundreds of thousands in just a few hours. Two-factor authentication increases the difficulty and requires action from you.


When firewalls aren’t set up correctly, many people find them irritating and remove them. This is a disastrous move. Instead, take the time to understand the firewall software, and set it up correctly. This is a first-line defense for protecting your network. 


Get training for you and your staff on cyber security and why it is important. You can learn how important passwords are, a new technology that is in use – and why you shouldn’t mix your professional and personal life on a single device. 

And finally – stay up to date with new threats like the one outlined below: 

Infographic by video server software
