Business Trends For A Solo Trader In 2021


For a solo business owner who runs their own business model, it is vital to focus on these changes to ensure you can keep on top of the ever-changing business landscape. Last year and so far in 2021, there have been numerous changes that have transpired and have changed the way in which we operate. From 5G to phishing attacks, it’s important to be prepared to keep your business safe and secure as well as keep your technology up to date.

5G and technology 

To discover the benefits of 5G and open architecture, many telecom companies will begin in 2021 to further explore the latest approach. The horizontal approach includes disconnecting the infrastructure from the software, as well as the functions operating on it. This type of layered architecture is the norm among many companies, but for telecom companies, it requires a change of thinking: the need to treat 5G as a test case running on a cloud platform, rather than as a vertical stack itself. If your business solely relies on technology and communication, it is worth delving into. 

It is important that all business systems are up to date, whether that means checking custom overmold interconnects or phone cables, you need to make sure they are working efficiently to keep up with these new trends. 

Phishing attacks and cyber threats 

According to the Fraud Report for 2020 there are two main trends. First, as a result of improved botnet controls and security solutions, attackers have been targeting new companies. This means that if a hacker manages to enter your systems, your data could be breached and any clients’ and customers’ information could be at stake. This could leave your business in peril and as a solo owner, it is important to take responsibility as the responsibility is fully on you. Investing in impeccable cybersecurity and cloud systems can allow all information to be stored safely and securely. No information can be reached and any downtime of your systems doesn’t result in lost data. 

For smaller businesses the changes are different 

For SMEs and sole traders, there are some trends that must not be ignored in 2021. Some of them include the following: 

  1. Increasing mobile marketing
  2. Create an app for your business
  3. Customize customer service
  4. Increase in the percentage of remote work
  5. Creating an online community
  6. Promoting data transparency
  7. Cultivating social responsibility and preserving the environment
  8. Using more advanced ecommerce sites

Mobile marketing is important 

Mobile marketing is one of the emerging trends that does not show any signs of slowing. There has been an influx of ecommerce purchases during the Covid-19 crisis, and it is believed that five billion people now carry mobile devices. Therefore, the best way to connect to your audience is through a phone. Here are some things to focus on: 

  • A smart website that is user friendly and offers information simply 
  • An app that can has an impeccable UX
  • Email marketing or text marketing to inform customers or new offers or services
  • Social media marketing including video marketing 
  • A well thought through ecommerce shop that is easy and effective (if applicable)
  • Offering podcasts or video tools to connect with your customer base 
  • Collaborations with like-minded businesses that can provide ROI for both parties 

SEO trends of 2021

SEO is a vital marketing component of business success, because this determines how many people you can reach organically online. Often, when we don’t reach the numbers and statistics that we desire, it can leave us feeling incredibly defeated. However, it is still as vital as ever to focus on quality content and backlinks. Working to create an impeccable UX, as we already mentioned will enhance your efforts greatly. The current working assumption is that users will highly appreciate responsive sites with carefully organized content. The content displayed should be very informative, not too cluttered and cumbersome and in simple and clear language so that it can be navigated through. 

All of this information should lead you in 2021 to the conclusion that you need to continue to produce content, monitor and upgrade, embed keywords and links, perform optimization that will meet Google’s strict ranking rules and do it all professionally and reliably through a leading SEO company. At the same time, this year you will be required to refine your SEO strategy so that it includes both the improvement of existing content and the implementation of new content channels that you have not yet integrated. It’s time for a successful 2021.
